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Bertie Labbe

Miembros CRE


Bertie Labbe


I am a local home buyer who specializes in buying houses with cash. I have a new program that allows me to buy houses with cash quickly and easily. I am able to close on the sale of a house within days, and I can often times get the house for much less than the asking price. I am always looking for new properties to add to my portfolio, and I am always looking for ways to improve my program. If you are thinking about selling your house, please contact me today. I am a local home buyer who specializes in buying houses with cash. I have a new program that allows me to buy houses with cash quickly and easily. I am able to close on the sale of a house within days, and I can usually offer a higher price than other buyers. I am also able to work with sellers who are in foreclosure or have other difficult situations. If you are interested in selling your house, please contact me.

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